Here, one can find different history, geography, literature, and other related lessons, arranged by age. I am still in-training, so made these as practice. Please do not sell or redistribute these as your own, but feel free to use them in classes.
To find a specific subject, press ctr + f, then type the phrase into the search bar. Words that match the phrase will be highlighted.
I'm fairly technologically incompetent, but am pretty sure that the files are downloadable. If not, please email me, I will respond with the files, and also try to fix the problem. If a part of the lessons is inaccurate, please email me, say what the error is, and give a reference to support the correction.
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Thank you!
Ages 9-10
The Berlin Wall Lesson
The Berlin Wall Teacher Text
The Berlin Wall PowerPoint
Suggested Handouts/Websites for Kids to Explore
Ten Facts About the Berlin Wall
Life in USSR under Stalin
Berlin Brigade
Basic Facts of Berlin Wall
The Cold War